Maritime Accident Lawyer in Kent
Washington state depends on the brave people who go to work on the water every day. Whether seamen are on the water fishing salmon or repairing an oil rig, they deserve the highest level of legal representation after getting injured in an accident at sea.
At Herschensohn Law, we understand what you’re going through. No matter how you were injured, we’re ready to listen to you, understand your needs, and help you figure out the best course of action to take to get you the compensation you’re entitled to.
No two injury victims ever have the same exact circumstances, and that’s why attorney Zach Herschensohn’s versatility and experience often proves to be valuable.
Discover what a versatile and experienced Kent personal injury lawyer can do for you. Contact us today for your free consultation.
Washington state runs the largest ferry system in the U.S. and is home to a lot of maritime workers. When these workers sustain offshore injuries, they may need the help of an experienced lawyer who can help them navigate their Jones Act claim.
No matter how careful we expect our crew and employers to be, accidents can happen on any kind of ship, boat or vessel. This includes:
- Fishing vessels
- Fish processors
- Tugboats
- Ships
- Ferry boats
- Crab boats
- Dredges
- Other vessels
Because maritime accidents are so varied, they can include all kinds of life-changing, serious injuries, such as:
- Slip and falls
- Getting hit by falling objects
- Burns
- Broken bones
- Cuts
- Hypothermia
- Diving accidents
- Wrongful death
Unfortunately, these accidents are often due to someone else’s mistakes, oversight, or reckless choices. In many cases, these injuries can be traced back to broken or defective equipment, failure to repair or maintain equipment, lack of safety equipment, lack of safety training, or by simply overworking tired seamen.
“Very knowledgeable and trustworthy. Zach Herschensohn provided me with excellent service. He kept me well informed and explained complicated issues in a way I could understand. He took the lead and guided me through everything necessary to achieve a successful outcome. Overall, I am very pleased with his service and would highly recommend him to anyone.”
“Herschensohn Law worked by my side for almost four years when I was in an auto accident and were outstanding in everything they did! They went above and beyond to make my lawsuit as easy and stress free as possible for me while consistently showing genuine care for my wellbeing. They even recommended amazing health care professionals for my injuries! Anything/everything I may have been confused/concerned about was addressed/explained so I felt comfortable with each move made in my lawsuit. Professional, courteous and attentive are just a few words I would use to describe this law firm and although I hope to never be in a similar situation again - if I do, Herschensohn Law will be my first call!”
“This was such a great experience.””
“Zach will always take time and give you quality advice that you can trust. Highly recommended!”
““Zach and his team performed beyond my expectations! I couldn't have had a better firm in my corner!” ”
For many, getting hurt at sea is a devastating experience. Suddenly your livelihood is taken away from you and replaced by unbearable memories and physical pain. Medical bills are piling up and you’re unable to work. You don’t have the time or energy to investigate your own injury claim, sort through the nuances of maritime law, and go head-to-head with insurance companies and employers who only want to delay and deny your claim.
This is where Herschensohn Law enters the picture. Attorney Zach Herschensohn and his team have the knowledge and experience to handle complex cases involving maritime injuries, including those that involve some of the most complicated applicable laws.
The Jones Act
This federal law, also known as section 27 of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, defines the rights of seamen and gives them the power to hold a ship owner, captain, or crew members legally responsible for damages suffered by the seaman due to negligence. Negligence can include hiring inexperienced or unqualified crewmen, failure to avoid dangerous weather, unseaworthy vessels, failure to maintain safe equipment and more. The Jones Act covers seamen who were injured in work accidents, while living on the vessel, and while leaving or arriving on the boat.
Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act
The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) is a federal law that compensates people injured at work in navigable waters for medical care and rehabilitation services. The LHWCA also covers injuries that happen while a longshoreman or other worker is loading, unloading, or repairing a ship or vessel, as well as survivor benefits. Benefits are typically paid by a self-insured employer or private insurance.
Death on the High Seas Act
Also known as DOHSA, the Death on the High Seas Act compensates families of shipmen who lost their lives working at sea. Surviving family members can claim mental anguish and pain and suffering, in addition to lost wages, but they must be able to prove that the shipping company’s negligence or unlawful actions caused their loved one’s death.
Maintenance and Cure
Maritime workers who get injured or become sick while on the job are entitled to maintenance and cure benefits. These are also known as “Seaman’s Benefits.” Regardless of who’s responsible for the injury or illness, the seaman is entitled to receive maintenance and cure benefits from their employer while they recover. Maintenance refers to the room and board of the injured seaman and can cover expenses such as the maritime worker’s rent and food. Cure refers to the seaman’s medical expenses, including the cost of traveling to and from doctor appointments. Injured maritime workers can receive maintenance and cure benefits until they are cleared and discharged by a doctor.
Marine Construction
The Seattle metro area is a hub of marine construction as ports, marinas and bridges that are continuously being built, maintained and expanded. Working near the water poses a serious risk to contractors, as tides, currents, waves and swells can cause an accident that results in severe injury or death. Marine construction workers are constantly around dangerous apparatus and are also at risk of getting hurt in a transportation accident or a slip and fall incident.
If you’ve suffered a maritime injury or illness, it’s important to understand your rights. Depending on what happened to you, you could have multiple options for recovery, but no one is going to outline those options for you. To receive all the compensation you’re eligible for, you need to work with an experienced, aggressive maritime accident attorney who can fight for you.
Kent personal injury attorney Zach Herschensohn has successfully represented injured seamen and routinely gets maritime workers the compensation they deserve.
If you’re the family member of a maritime worker who was fatally injured, Herschensohn Law can also help you with a wrongful death claim.
“Zach will always take time and give you quality advice that you can trust. Highly recommended!”
Our results speak for themselves
After a worker was electrocuted on a construction site and suffered life-changing injuries, we fought and won on their behalf.
When a retired man was killed in a truck accident, we made sure his grieving family got fair compensation.
When a defective medical device harmed our client, we fought to ensure they had the financial compensation needed to recover.
We’re proud to fight—and win—for injured people in Kent, Washington. View our case results to learn more.

A proven fighter for injured people and their families

Attorney Zach Herschensohn has been standing up for the injured for years. Known for his strong work ethic, high energy, intelligence, and professionalism, Zach is an outstanding advocate for the injured who has successfully litigated many cases from complaint to verdict.