What Kind Of Evidence Is Important In A Car Accident Case? - Herschensohn Law Firm
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00:00:03 the biggest thing for me as far as evidence in a car crash case is photos of the car car or cars or cars and trucks you know if it’s like a commercial vehicle hitting a car photos of the cars Andor trucks post accident so like how much damage was caused to the cars now some of my most injured people actually have gotten hurt without having a lot of dents you know a lot of crumpled up you know this kind of thing minor car accidents can cause significant injury but those cases are significantly more difficult to prove
00:00:42 and much more challenging and nonetheless we still need the photos of the car crash after the scene so that’s a very important the second piece of evidence is the accident report accident reports are generated by the police who come and show up at the scene so if you’re ever in a car accident you really want to try your best to get the cop to go out there it’s not like if you don’t have the the accident report that you can’t get recovery but it really helps the other part is proof of the injury so
00:01:10 when you get a further along down into the into the case we’re really looking at the medical records so if you have those three things photos of the accident post accident you’ve got the medical records and you’ve got the accident report that’s really the the formula for being in a position to resolve a claim and there might be other evidence that needs to be uh developed in the case but that really is the trifect of what you need for a car accident case
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After a worker was electrocuted on a construction site and suffered life-changing injuries, we fought and won on their behalf.
When a retired man was killed in a truck accident, we made sure his grieving family got fair compensation.
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