How long does it take to settle a personal injury claim? - Herschensohn Law Firm
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00:00:03 I get this question a lot how long does it take to resolve my claim it’s not a great answer it depends right so I’ll just start out by saying that the average case in our office remains in our office for 18 months meaning that if you sign a fee agreement in our office we’re going to keep track of how long it’s in our office and in aggregate all of the claims that we’re handling are resolved within an 18-month period now does that have any bearing on your case it could it could I mean you know just
00:00:36 a lot of averages it’s you know not a bad number to know about but the biggest factor in determining how long a claim will take to resolve is how long it takes for you to get better we don’t like to resolve claims in this office until someone’s reached maximum medical improvement meaning there is no more medical treatment that can be engaged in to improve your medical condition so you’ve kind of stabilized from the injuries that you sustain
Our results speak for themselves
After a worker was electrocuted on a construction site and suffered life-changing injuries, we fought and won on their behalf.
When a retired man was killed in a truck accident, we made sure his grieving family got fair compensation.
When a defective medical device harmed our client, we fought to ensure they had the financial compensation needed to recover.
Hurt? Let our law firm handle the details
When you request your free consultation, Kent personal injury attorney Zach Herschensohn will listen to you, answer your questions, lay out your legal options, and give you down-to-earth legal advice.
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